Adults in Scouts are an essential part of the Scouts. Adults in Scouts work in a voluntary capacity and provide a key role in supporting the young people to give an exciting adventure. All people taking adult roles in Scouting are aged over 18.
Some of the ways Adults support Scouts are:
- working directly with the youth membership, by being a Leader, Assistant Leader, Sectional Assistant or Occasional Helper or even by being part of the Active Support Team.
- support the adults in their roles, by providing technical or personal support, and these people are usually Group Scout Leaders, Skills Instructors, District Commissioners and their Assistants and the Scout Active Support Team.
- run the administrative side of Scouts. Every Group and District has a 'business' side, and therefore people take on roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, or be part of Group or District Committees.
I want to support the adventure!
Do you have some time to volunteer with Scouts, or interested in finding out more about joining the dynamic team of adults in Malling? Fill out our Contact Us form, and by providing us your details, we will find you a way to support Scouts.